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Wed, 26.02.2025 19:30 h

Mit Mendelssohn in Schottland


General information

Opening hours

MO 09.00 a.m - 11.30 p.m.
TU 09.00 a.m - 11.30 p.m.
WE 09.00 a.m - 11.30 p.m.
TH 09.00 a.m - 00.30 p.m.
FR 09.00 a.m - 00.30 p.m.
SA 09.00 a.m - 00.30 p.m.
SU 09.00 a.m - 11.30 p.m.

The respective opening times of our bars and restaurants can be found here.

Please note, that the opening hours may vary due to Coronavirus.

Public Tours

Casino Bern does not offer public tours.


Casino Bern is located in the old town of Bern between the Federal Building and the Bernese Munster Cathedral.
The Casino is a ten minute walk from Bern's main train station. The nearest public transport stop is Zytglogge. You can chose from Tram # 6, 9 or 8 or Bus # 10, 12, 19 or 7.

Directions by car

Casino Bern does not have its own parking spaces. A public underground parking garage named “Casino” is located across the street for your convenience.

Directions by bike

Casino Bern does not have its own bicycle parking. Please use the spaces provided in the Herrengasse side street.

Wheelchair accessible

Casino Bern is wheelchair accessible from the 1st basement level to the 2nd floor. Suitable washroom facilities are located in the 1st basement level and are accessible by elevator. Wheelchair spaces in the Great Hall are located on the parquet level.

Reserve a table

Table reservations  can be booked conveniently on our website. For larger group reservations please contact us by phone +41 31 328 02 00 or by email info@casinobern.ch. Please note that the à la carte menu is only available for groups of up to 11people. For groups of 12 people or more, we will be happy to plan a menu together with you.


You are welcome to bring your dog to Casino Bern. However, only recognized assistant dogs are allowed during concerts.



Tickets for performances can be obtained on our website, via phone (0312 328 02 00) or via E-Mail info@casinobern.ch

Door opening

Doors (incl. cloakroom) open 1 hour before the start of each event. The event hall itself opens 30 minutes before the event.

Highlights at the Casino

Casino Bern